Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect for Reunions 2022?

Reunions in 2022 is likely to be a mega Reunion year. We cannot know in advance how many people will return to campus, but given the events of 2020 and 2021, we think it is likely that it will be a higher number than usual. In a normal year, roughly 25,000 alumni return to campus over the course of the weekend. This number could definitely be as high as 50,000 alumni in 2022.

The class officers are working toward making this experience as seamless as possible for classmates, but it is also up to individual classmates to make sensible logistical plans. The officers are happy to assist in any way possible; however, classmates ultimately need to decide for themselves on how to make housing and transportation arrangements. We suggest making these arrangements early if you are serious about returning to campus in 2022.

The class has 105 rooms blocked at local hotels. We will also have a camping site available that can host up to 60 classmates.

why are we not hosting our event on campus?

The University does not have the capacity to accommodate for two years of classes that missed major reunions. In every year, there are classes that celebrate the 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th, 50th, 55th, 60th, 65th, and 70th. They simply do not have the space on campus to host a triple reunion. While we are absolutely coordinating with the University’s Alumni Affairs Office, we also know that we will only be able to have events if we coordinate them ourselves.

do we have on-campus housing?

On-campus housing is reserved for classes returning for a major reunion. We encourage you to sign up for one of the hotel blocks, to indicate interest in the camping list, or to make reservations with local hotels or via Airbnb/VRBO. If you act quickly, you will find a spot.


We wish we had an answer to this question (we’ve got it at least 3x this week), but we do not run the Princeton Reunions online registration - and since this is the first time they have required pre-registration, there are bound to be bugs. We recommend reaching out to Cathy Philips at the University if you are having this issue.

Will I be ablE to buy costumes on campus if i haven’t purchased them in advance?

We cannot promise that we will have extra gear. All gear orders were due by April 1, 2022. Anything that came in after that has been assigned any extra gear we ordered. If we have extra items, we will offer them for sale at The Qualifying Rounds Happy Hour and the Opening Ceremony Lunch.

Do I need a ticket for the opening ceremony lunch?

Any 2010 ticket purchase is valid for the Opening Ceremony Lunch. While we would prefer you order a ticket to attend this lunch, (we’ve put a lot of work into this weekend, and we’d like to get close to breaking even), it’s not strictly necessary - that said, we do know who ordered tickets and who didn’t.

I ordered a beer jacket in 2020. How do i get it?

If you ordered a beer jacket in 2020, you can pick it up at one of our events. Hopefully, you registered and purchased tickets to attend. If you did not, you can pick up your beer jacket at Poe Field during the lunch or you can pick it up from a to-be-announced dorm room on campus where we will have a small crew of undergraduates running gear sales.

How are the 2010 events being funded?

This event will be funded by class ticket sales and through a small set-aside budget from past reunion ticket sales. Meaghan is also personally discounting our costumes through her company Reunion Outfitters, providing pins, cups, and other swag at cost, and she is personally planning the majority of this event through uncompensated volunteer hours.

If any extra profits are made on ticket sales or gear sales, they will be going to the class itself and a community service project. At this time, we do not have University funding for any of these events and the event has no association whatsoever with the University. This event is entirely self-funded and planned by your class officers.

why ARE THE EVENTS so expensive?

In a major reunion year, the University covers the expense of the tent and the event space. We also have access to campus dining services, which are quite discounted as compared to traditional caterers. All of these cut the expense of throwing an event by a significant margin. Throwing our own event requires us to cover these costs on our own. We have made every effort to make the event as cost-effective as possible for classmates, partners, friends, and children.

I cannot really afford to attend. are there other options?

We are more than happy to provide discounts for those working in public service, teaching fields, for those who have been adversely affected by the pandemic or feel otherwise too stretched thin to attend Reunions. Please email us directly for that discount code at

who is planning our event?

Meaghan Byrne and Jeff Kirchick are doing the bulk of the planning in conjunction with Morven. Meaghan has put in over 500 hours in planning this event over the past two years.

Eric Finkelstein, Brendan Daley, Mickheila Jasmin-Beamon have also worked on figuring out how to create a great event within budget. Volunteers Pilar Kiltz, Josh Grehan, Jazzy Ellis, and Julia Jacobson have assisted with planning, and provided instrumental feedback and guidance throughout the process.

We will have a small crew of undergraduates as well as an event planner running events throughout the weekend so the class officers and volunteers can take a well-deserved break and enjoy the fruits of their labors.

are the events open to other classes?

We will be opening up our events to the Class of 2011 and the Class of 2009 allows us to mingle with our friends while driving down the cost of the event for all attendees.

Will I be refunded for my 2021 tickets?

If you purchased a ticket for the 2021 event, you will be refunded by February 15, 2021 via your original method of payment. We are refunding everyone in full because the prices for 2022 may change. We would like to start with a clean slate.

If I am interested in being on an alumni-faculty forum, how can I be featured?

We do not put together the Alumni-Faculty forums ourselves. If you are interested in being featured on the panel, we will gladly put you in touch with the Alumni Affairs Office. Usually, they only feature class members from major classes and we do not have clarity around how these speakers are chosen ultimately.